Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #24

I have so many incredible poems to share with you, I had trouble picking just 3 for today but here they are, two by poets new to me and one by an ancient favorite. More to come in the following weeks. "We Are of a Tribe" by Alberto Rios. The "someday" he writes in the […]

Sunday Gathering

Urban Sanctuary Friends, Pastor Dana will be interviewing Janet Childs who offers her wisdom about healing and transforming the enormous grief we are experiencing as a result COVID, the fires, and the political unraveling around us.  Janet has worked with the Bill Wilson Center for Living with Dying for 45 years and is the Director […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #25

Dear Poetry People: Elizabeth O'Connor, chronicler of the Church of the Saviour, the DC church Gordon Cosby founded in 1947, wrote Journey Inward Journey Outward, 4 words that have stayed with me these many years. Seemed like the perfect prescription for a life we can feel good about living. This week's poems go inward and outward, start deep […]

Art for God and Good Workshop

Our own Shirley Kinoshita will be leading a workshop on the ways she uses her art for God and good.  Thanks for sharing your gifts, Shirley! For more information and register to get the link: Art and Faith Using Your Talents for God and Good  

Sunday Gathering

Hi Urban Sanctuary Friends, In times like these, and as we grow older, we are faced with the challenge of adapting to tremendous amounts of loss.  How do we digest all this emotionally and spiritually?  We often remind each other to "take care of yourself", but how do we do that? Last week, in my […]

Aftersession: Letters to the Beloved

Aftersession led by Iheoma Umez-Eronini When Iheoma learned that a dear friend had died young and very unexpectedly, she was in a state of shock and disbelief.  It seemed unreal.  She found that writing a letter to him, and having others listen as she read it to him, gave her a way to express her […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #26

Dear Proximate Paragons of Poetry: Someone once pointed out that we are often coming or going but not necessarily staying put. The image of a revolving door or a merry-go-round […]

Sunday Gathering – Building an Altar Together

Dear Urban Sanctuary Friends, Next Sunday, Nov 1 is the Feast of All Souls.  It's also the last Sunday we gather before Election Day.  I'm reaching out to you to […]

Urban Sanctuary’s presence in the city and for each other

San Jose City Hall 200 E Santa Clara St, San Jose, CA

My dear Urban Sanctuary friends, My heart reaches out to you asking you to stay connected to each other and to pray for our presence in downtown San Jose during […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #27

Dear Hopers for a Great Sea-Change: The coming week will be something to be alive for. Per Mark Strand (whose bounding poem, "Eating Poetry" was on last week's docket): "…it's […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #28

Dear Poetry Folklery: I thought last week's discussion was especially nice, although I now wish I had explained a bit about "The Night Game" and the baseball context of it […]

How to Be Anti-Racist

Hi Urban Sanctuary Friends, You never know what a week can bring, and this week it is Ibram Kendi, renowned author of "How to Be Anti-Racist".  Silicon Valley organizations have […]