Urban Sanctuary invites you to participle in the National Day of Generosity, #GivingTuesday.
Generosity begets generosity so go out of your way this #GivingTuesday to start a chain reaction of generosity!
How can you be part of it?
Support a local nonprofit by donating your time or making a cash donation.
Go to https://urbansanctuarysj.org/donate to make a tax-deductible donation to Urban Sanctuary.
Here are some ideas of ways to start a chain reaction of generosity by doing something kind for another person:
- Buy a coffee for the person behind you in line
- Visit someone who is lonely, sit with them and listen
- Pay for someone’s groceries at the check-out counter
- Send an encouraging personal email to a friend or colleague
- Cook double tonight and take the extra to a friend or neighbor’s house
- Buy some flowers and give one to each person you pass by
- Read poetry or sing at a nursing home
- Share how you’ve been generous on social media #GivingTuesday to inspire others
With your support, we can improve the lives of many, and help make the world a better place.