Community Coffee

Community Coffee on the church patio 

Sunday Gathering and Aftersession

Hi Urban Sanctuary Friends, For your Sunday sabbath it is our hope that we can provide you with a time that inspires, centers and connects you to God and your […]

Jim Thompson’s Poetry Class #29

        This week's poems: "What makes a great poem? What makes a poem great?" “Great Poems” by Steve Seely “The Worm’s Waking” by Rumi. “Yellow Glove” by […]

Sunday Gathering & Aftersession

This week Paul's words to the Galatians come to mind - "Do not grow weary in well-doing".  As we face another acceleration of the impact of the coronavirus on our […]

A Unique Thanksgiving Event on Zoom

Dear Urban Sanctuary Friends, We have a fun social opportunity in store this week. Jim Thompson and Dana Bainbridge invite you to a unique Thanksgiving event.  We are adapting the […]

Sunday Gathering & Aftersession Discussion

Sunday Gathering: The New Jerusalem: Envisioning a New Normal Aftersession: Envisioning a New World Octavia Butler 1947-2006 Hugo and Nebula Awards, Author of The Parable Series The Book of Martha - […]

Giving Tuesday

Urban Sanctuary San Jose invites you to participate in the national day of generosity, #GivingTuesday. We believe that generosity begets generosity so go out of your way this #GivingTuesday to […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #31

This week’s poems are: "What You Missed That Day You Were Absent from Fourth Grade" by Brad Aaron Modlin. Wouldn't we all like to have had a teacher like Mrs. Nelson with […]

Sunday Gathering – Advent

Advent: Anticipating What is Coming, Navigating What is Ending Pastor Dana interviews Megan McKenna, Bible scholar, storyteller, and activist.  Megan McKenna will open up the Advent scriptures as we begin […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #32

This week’s poems are: “The Muse is a Little Girl” by Marjorie Saiser. “How I Learned English” by Gregory Djanikian. “At the Nuclear Rally” by Laura Boss Email Jim Thompson […]

Sunday Gathering- Arts and Spirituality Retreat

Our quarterly retreat with Creatives for Compassionate Communities is back! Artist Smita Garg will lead us in a process of exploring the nine Hindu emotions. Urban Sanctuary friends do not […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #33

This week’s poems are: "How to Be a Poet (to remind myself)" by Wendell Berry. The simply stunning beginning reminds me of the saying for public speakers: tell 'em what […]