Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #50

This week’s poems are: My Einsteinicityby Lynne Thompson The Chaos Song by Robert Graves A Poem for Mysel fby Etheridge Knight Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81374816274?pwd=eG1PRUxoWC9iTjFaTHFBNTBrNkIvQT09 Passcode: 704824 PDF of Poems: Spiritual […]

Sunday Gathering & After-Session

Sunday Gathering 10:00 - 10:50 a.m. Vibrant Conversations and Communities Special Guest Rev. Sandhya Jha, Founder of the Oakland Peace Center As we embark on our series The Future of […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #51

This week’s poems are: Burlap Sack by Jane Hirshfield The Guest House by Rumi The Supple Cord by Naomi Shihab Nye Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81374816274?pwd=eG1PRUxoWC9iTjFaTHFBNTBrNkIvQT09 Passcode: 704824 PDF of Poems: Spiritual […]

Sunday Gathering & After-Session

Sunday Gathering 10:00 - 10:50 a.m. Jesus and the Rising of the Next Generation Special Guest Rev. Sandhya Jha, Founder of the Oakland Peace Center As we embark on our […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #52

This week’s poems are: Ars Poetica #100: I Believe by Elizabeth Alexander. The Afterlife by Louis Jenkins. Remember by Joy Harjo. Zoom link: ttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/81374816274?pwd=eG1PRUxoWC9iTjFaTHFBNTBrNkIvQT09 Passcode: 704824 PDF of Poems: Spiritual […]

Sunday Gathering & After-Session

Sunday Gathering 10:00 - 10:50 a.m. We Are All Walking Each Other Home Chaplaincy as a Healing Presence in Hurting Places Featuring FAITH MATTERS NETWORK and THE CHAPLAINCY INNOVATION LAB […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #53

This week’s poems are: Red Shirt by Rumi Small Kindnesses by Danusha Laméris Small Boat by Guarionex Delgado Zoom link: ttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/81374816274?pwd=eG1PRUxoWC9iTjFaTHFBNTBrNkIvQT09 Passcode: 704824 PDF of Poems: Spiritual Poetry Class #53 […]

Sunday Gathering & After-Session

Sunday Gathering 10:00 - 10:50 a.m. The Seekers and the Sisters - Convening as the New Way of Gathering Pastor Dana Interviews Sarah Bradley of the Nuns and Nones and Alt*Div […]

Nor Cal Region of the Disciples of Christ Workshops

These workshops are an extension of the Annual Meeting Book Discussion on, "Disciples Who We Are & What Holds Together" Some may remember Michael Kinnamon most for losing the nomination […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #54

This week’s poems are: Small Boat by Guarionex Delgado The End by Mark Strand Minor Miracle by Marilyn Nelson Zoom link: ttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/81374816274?pwd=eG1PRUxoWC9iTjFaTHFBNTBrNkIvQT09 Passcode: 704824 PDF of Poems: Spiritual Poetry Class […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #55

This week’s poems are: If You Knew by Ellen Bass Nothing Wants to Suffer by Danusha Laméris Positivism by Naomi Shihab Nye Find more info and how to join here: https://urbansanctuarysj.org/events Zoom link: ttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/81374816274?pwd=eG1PRUxoWC9iTjFaTHFBNTBrNkIvQT09 Passcode: 704824 PDF of Poems: Spiritual Poetry Class #55 19May2021