San Jose, CA
Dear Friends:
I do think poetry is the more human voice, pushing our boundaries. I certainly follow poems because I feel like they are taking me somewhere I want to go.
We ran out of time last week to read and discuss “Bonfire Opera” so we’ll start with that today.
Bonfire Opera by Danusha Laméris. “The song inside the song” — and not what we necessarily want to hear about our limits. Another thrilling (and somewhat shocking) poem from this poet.
Instructions on Not Giving Up by Ada Limón. With the greatest threat in the history of humanity facing us in the form of climate change, not giving up is at the top of my list of priorities.
A Voice Through the Door by Rumi. It’s been way too long since we’ve looked at a poem by Rumi so today is the day. “This turning toward what you deeply love saves you.” Amen!
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