Urban Sanctuary SJ 80 South 5th Street, San Jose, CA, United States

Creatives for Compassionate Communities in partnership with Anti-Racist San Jose invites you to an Art and Spirituality Event. Moving to the Rhythm of our Stories The power of music and movement to […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #72

NEW TIME - we are now meeting at 6pm This week’s poems are: Coca-Cola and Coco Frío by Martín Espada Waiting for Happiness by Nomi Stone Forgetfulness by Billy Collins […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #74

This week’s poems are: Quarantine by Eavan Boland curated by Joe Scally Complementary Colors by Susan Robinson Reckless Sonnet No. 8 by Kimiko Hahn Zoom link: Passcode  959919 PDF […]

All Souls’ Day

Honoring and Remembering Our Loved Ones Who Have Died Recent months have been a time in which many of us have lost loved ones. Some have not been able to travel […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #75

This week’s poems are: Reckless Sonnet No. 8 by Kimiko Hahn The Ocean by Victoria Chang Mistaking Water Hemlock for Parsley by Arthur Sze Zoom link: Passcode  959919

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #76

Urban Sanctuary SJ 80 South 5th Street, San Jose, CA, United States

This week’s poems are: Limbo by Maxine Scates. A Secret Life by Stephen Dunn. Incantation of the First Order by Rita Dove. Zoom link: Passcode  959919

Mission: Joy, The Movie

Urban Sanctuary SJ 80 South 5th Street, San Jose, CA, United States

You are invited to the free showing of MISSION JOY! A movie with the Dalai Lama and Bishop Desmond Tutu that describes the joyful life they share. Onsite parking Masks […]

Sunday Gathering and After Session

Urban Sanctuary SJ 80 South 5th Street, San Jose, CA, United States

SUNDAY WORSHIP 10 - 11 a.m.  in person and on Face Book Live Scripture: Luke 1:68-79 From “The Book of Joy” “We are fragile creatures, and it is from this […]

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #77

This week’s poems are: The Lanyard by Billy Collins No more grandma poems by Yolanda Wisher Passing Through a Small Town by David Shumate Zoom link: Passcode  959919

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #78

This week’s poems are: Birthday by Kathleen Rooney Mornings at Blackwater by Mary Free Lawn Mower by Louis Jenkins Zoom link: Passcode  959919

Jim Thompson’s Spiritual Poetry Class #79

I really want a poem to make the world stop, for a matter of a few seconds. ~W. S. Merwin This week’s poems are: The Death of Santa Claus by Charles […]

CHRISTMAS EVE at Urban Sanctuary

Urban Sanctuary SJ 80 South 5th Street, San Jose, CA, United States

All are welcome; invite your friends and family. 5-6 p.m.  Guest musicians, original poetry and stories COVID continues to challenge our understanding about ways to gather safely.  Please know that the safety and well-being of our congregation and guests is always a top priority at Urban Sanctuary.  We continue to strongly encourage all who attend […]